It takes all kinds to make a world.
-English Proverb
Smooth seas do not make skillful sailors.
-African Proverb
All the flowers of all the tomorrows
are in the seeds of today.
-Swedish Proverb
The afternoon knows
what the morning never suspected.
-Swedish Proverb
The world is a rose;
smell it and pass it along to your friends.
-Persian Proverb
He who hurries cannot walk with dignity.
-Chinese Proverb
What breaks in a moment
may take years to mend.
-Swedish Proverb
Do not look where you fell,
but where you slipped.
-African Proverb
Fall seven times,
stand up eight.
-Japanese Proverb
Look up,
there are no limits.
-Japanese Proverb
The sky is not less blue
because the blind man does not see it.
-Danish Proverb
No wind, no waves.
-Chinese Proverb
If there is no wind, row.
-Latin Proverb
Each bay has its own wind.
-Fijian Proverb
Everyone must row
with the oars he has.
-English Proverb
 High trees catch lots of wind.
-Dutch Proverb
If a wind blows, ride it!
-Arabic Proverb
He is who is outside his door
already has the hard part of his journey behind him.
-Dutch Proverb
He travels fastest
who takes the road he knows.
-Welsh Proverb
It is a long road that has no turning.
-Irish Proverb
Every road has two directions.
-Russian Proverb
There is no distance that has no end.
-Swahili Proverb
No matter how far you have gone on the wrong road,
turn back.
-Turkish Proverb
Fear and love
do not walk together.
-Lithuanian Proverb
The man who removes a mountain
begins by carrying away small stones.
-Chinese Proverb
Great gaps may be filled with small stones.
-Dutch Proverb
In still waters
are the largest fish.
-Danish Proverb
Silence is the fence around wisdom.
-German Proverb
Silence is also speech.
-African Proverb
If you don't scale the mountain,
you can't view the plain.
-Chinese Proverb
Climb mountains to see lowlands.
-Chinese Proverb
He who would leap high
must take a long run.
-Danish Proverb
Use every step as your base.
-Chinese Proverb
A full cup must be carried carefully.
-English Proverb
Gold sinks deeper than dross.
-Chinese Proverb
Do not give others
what they do not want.
-Japanese Proverb
Give a grateful man
more than he asks.
-Portugese Proverb
To get along, go along.
-American Proverb
If you would get ahead,
be a bridge.
-Welsh Proverb
It is a bad bridge
that is narrower than the stream.
-German Proverb
A bridge never crossed
is like a life never lived.
-Chinese Proverb
Every head is a world.
-Cuban Proverb
Worry gives small things
a big shadow.
-Swedish Proverb
A thousand things can be said without speaking.
-Chinese Proverb
All truth is good
but not all truth is good to say.
-African Proverb
Speak little and well 
if you wish to be esteemed as a person of merit. 
-French Proverb
The echo knows all languages.
-Finnish Proverb
To teach is to learn.
-Japanese Proverb
The work will teach you how to do it.
-Estonian Proverb
Teachers open the door -
you enter by yourself.
-Chinese Proverb
One pound of learning
requires ten pounds of common sense to apply it.
-Persian Proverb
If a man only does what is required of him,
he is a slave.
If he does more than is required of him.
he is a free man.
-Chinese Proverb
If one eats less,
one will taste more.
-Chinese Proverb
Keep you words sweet
in case you have to eat them.
The eyes believe themselves,
the ears believe other people.
-German Proverb
What you don't see with your eyes,
don't witness with your mouth.
-Jewish Proverb
A clear sky fears not thunder.
-Romanian Proverb
If there are no clouds
there will be no rain.
-Chinese Proverb
A promise is a cloud.
Fulfillment is the rain.
-Arabic Proverb
Today must borrow
nothing of tomorrows.
-German Proverb
Dig the well before you are thirsty.
-Chinese Proverb
When the river is full, the well is full.
-Chinese Proverb
Some men go through a forest
and see no firewood.
-English Proverb
Firewood alone
will not start a fire.
-Chinese Proverb
Take away fuel, take away flame.
-German Proverb
If you want your eggs hatched,
sit on them yourself.
-Haitian Proverb
He that would eat the fruit
must climb the tree.
-Scottish Proverb
The sweetest grapes hang highest.
-German Proverb
If you would be pope,
you must think of nothing else.
-Spanish Proverb
No hill is too high to be climbed.
-Hawaiian Proverb
You cannot hold your foot in two stirrups.
-Italian Proverb
Give yourself up,
bones as well.
-South African Proverb
To lose your way is one way of finding it.
-East African Proverb
However long the night,
the dawn will break.
-African Proverb
You can only go halfway into the darkest forest;
then you are coming out the other side.
-Chinese Proverb
You may go where you wish,
but you cannot escape yourself.
-Norwegian Proverb
You can't jump over your own shadow.
-German Proverb
Each firefly lights its own way.
-Haitian Proverb
A light heart lives long.
-Irish Proverb
Those who wish to sing
always find a song.
-Swedish Proverb
A bird doesn't sing because it has a answer.
It sings because it has a song.
-Chinese Proverb
If you are a good musician,
you can play on one string.
-Mexican Proverb
To change,
and to change for the better,
are two different things.
-German Proverb
He who does not know one thing
knows another.
-Kenyan Proverb
Even a sheet of paper has two sides.
-Japanese Proverb
The reverse side
also has a reverse side.
-Japanese Proverb
Those who play the game
do not see as clearly
as those who watch.
-Japanese Proverb
Once the game is over,
the king and the pawn
go back into the same box.
-Italian Proverb
Who knows this morning
what will happen tonight?
-Chinese Proverb
What is narrow of vision
cannot be big of heart.
-Chinese Proverb
Swift gratitude is the sweetest.
-Greek Proverb
The rose is a friend of the thorn.
-Afghani Proverb
If you want a rose
you must respect the thorn.
-Persian Proverb
The rose has thorns
only for those who would gather it.
-Chinese Proverb
It is in the shelter of each other
that people live.
-Irish Proverb 
If you want to go quickly, go alone.
If you want to go far, go together.
-African Proverb
If you don't know what is far away,
look for it nearby.
-Chinese Proverb
Begin to weave and God will give the thread.
-German Proverb
The third strand makes the cable.
-Dutch Proverb
Rain does not fall on one roof alone.
-Cameroonian Proverb
One who is already wet
does not feel the rain.
-Turkish Proverb
Love is the dew
that falls on both nettles and lilies.
-Swedish Proverb
That which is loved
is always beautiful.
-Norwegian Proverb
The pleasure of doing good
is the only one that will not wear out.
-Chinese Proverb
Hands that give also receive.
-Ecuadorian Proverb
Be humble, for you are made of earth.
Be noble, for you are made of stars.
-Serbian Proverb
The heaviest ear of corn
bows its head to the lowest.
-Irish Proverb
Respect your brother's dreams.
-Native American Proverb
Every tree feels
the force of the wind.
-Afghani Proverb
A tree falls
the way it leans.
-Bulgarian Proverb
When the tree falls
The shadow flies.
-Chinese Proverb
He who carves the Buddha
never worships him.
-Chinese Proverb
A good craftsman
leaves no traces.
-Chinese Proverb

If a matter be dark,
dive to the bottom.
-African Proverb

The river does not swell with clear water. 
-Italian Proverb
He knows the water best
who has waded through it.
-Danish Proverb

Muddy water is best cleared
by leaving it alone.
-Alan Watts

He who returns from a journey
is not the same as he who left.
-Chinese Proverb
There is always a piece of fortune
in misfortune.
-Japanese Proverb
New grief awakens the old.
-English Proverb
Do not wake up old grievances.
-Romanian Proverb
Never make troubles out of trifles.
-English Proverb
Even dust can become a mountain.
-Japanese Proverb
No wind, no waves.
-Chinese Proverb
The eyes which have seen the mountains
are not moved by valleys.
-East African Proverb
If a man would live in peace,
he should be blind, deaf and dumb.
-Persian Proverb
One door is shut
but a thousand are open.
-Argentinian Proverb
Some doors only open
from the inside.
-Sufi Saying
No time like the present.
-English Proverb
Eat the present moment
and break the dish.
-Egyptian Proverb
It is only when the cold season comes
that we know the pine and cypress to be evergreens.
-Chinese Proverb
One can ski so softly
that the traces cannot be seen.
-Finnish Proverb
That which leaves no trace
has done no harm.
-Icelandic Proverb
What grows makes no noise.
-German Proverb
Wisdom and virtue
are like the two wheels of a cart.
-Japanese Proverb
Where there is discipline
there is virtue;
where there is peace
there is plenty.
-Danish Proverb
The hand that gives, gathers.
-English Proverb
A bit of perfume
always clings to the hand
that gives the rose.
-Chinese Proverb
Bloom where you are planted.
-English Proverb
A flower in the heart
blossoms on the surface.
-Chinese Proverb
Happiness is to hold flowers in both hands.
-Japanese Proverb
A gift with a kind face
is a double grace.
-German Proverb
No one is so generous
as he who has nothing to give.
-French Proverb
To live long is to see much.
-Swahili Proverb
To the good listener,
half a word is enough.
-Spanish Proverb
Yesterday is ashes;
tomorrow is wood.
Only today does the fire burn brightly.
-Eskimo Proverb
May you have warmth in your igloo,
oil in your lamp,
and peace in your heart.
-Eskimo Proverb
The tree of silence
becomes the fruit of peace.
-Arabic Proverb
Every river that runs into the sea loses its name.
-Ghanaian Proverb
A golden key
will open every lock.
-Yiddish Proverb
An uncut gem does not sparkle.
-English Proverb
The stone is cut a hundred times
Only then it becomes a jewel.
-Persian Proverb
A good name shines in the dark.
-East African Proverb
Evil will last until tomorrow noon;
good lasts for all eternity.
-Bulgarian Proverb
The night is over
before one has finished counting the stars.
-Tanzanian Proverb